Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Santorum 2012

What a joke.

He is a completely irrelevant national figure, a one term Senator who lost to an anti-choice Democrat. In fact, it could be argued that the most memorable moment of his term was his 'man on dog' gaffe.

However, Santorum pretty succinctly summarizes the Republican attack against Obama stating that he has "failed to deliver on what he promised, to be a transformative president". This statement is very telling of the current Republican strategy.

Step 1: Obstruct. "This health care issue is D-Day for America...this will be [Obama's] Waterloo. This will break him." - Jim DeMint (R-SC)

Step 2: Pretend to cooperate, watering down and delaying a bill that the American people want, making it less effective and more costly for the middle class.

Step 4: Complain that the president has "failed to deliver on what he promised" after either a) the bill fails to pass or b) the bill fails to deliver the savings promised because of your input into it.

Step 5: Take back control of the government.

And the democrats are perfectlly willing to play ball, because the more favorable the bill is to insurance companies, the more corporate money they will get.

1 comment:

Emma Branson said...

I liked your last statement a lot. If you go to the National Constitution Center's site it allows you to see where members of congress and other politicians are receiving funding. Nancy Pelosi actually received a good amount of money from Pacific Health Insurance.